Environmental Policy
Aberdeenshire Sailing Trust is committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment. This Policy Statement sets out how we will work towards achieving our environmental objectives.
Our Objectives:
Be honest about what we are doing
Work going forward in an examined way, to consider the environment in everything we do
To reduce our impact and our CO2 emissions.
To encourage participants to help us in these aims by their choices.
We will minimise the use of electricity in all of our activities. For example; turning off lights, replacing old light bulbs with energy efficient models.
We will minimise the use of water in all of our activities. For example; fitting hoses with automatic trigger nozzles and turning off taps when not in use.
We will minimise the creation of waste. For example; we will only print and photocopy if absolutely essential.
Where possible, we will use email rather than printed materials to communicate and promote our activities.
We will recycle as much waste as possible by providing adequate clearly labelled bins and increasing our waste and recycling bins and/or collections during busy events.
We will choose products which are recyclable or in recyclable packaging wherever possible.
We will choose cleaning products which are less damaging to the environment.
We will endeavour to take a sustainable approach to running events.
We will promote relevant local environmental information to our members such as the location of voluntary no anchor zones, sensitive habitats/species.
We will publicise our environmental commitment and promote sustainability amongst our members and visitors on our website and club notice boards.
We will take the environmental credentials of our suppliers into account when procuring new products. By doing so we wish to encourage other organisations to integrate sustainability into their operations.
We will try to work with our suppliers to encourage them to make products which would fit into a circular economy model.
We will encourage our instructors and participants to choose a sustainable form of transport when coming to our venues whenever possible.
We will measure our progress and review this policy.